Senin, 29 November 2010


Sejak abad ke-2 dan abad ke-3 sebelum Masehi, di Tiongkok da Mesir ada musik yang mempunyai bentuk tertentu. Dengan mendapat pengaruh dari Mesir dan Babilon, berkembanglah musik Hibrani yang dikemudian hari berkembang menjadi musik Gereja. Musik itu kemudian disenangi oleh masyarakat, karena adanya pemain-pemain musik yang mengembara serta menyanyikan lagu yang dipakai pada upacara Gereja. Musik itu tersebar di seluruh Eropa kemudian tumbuh berkembang, dan musik instrumental maju dengan pesat setelah ada perbaikan pada alat-alat musik, misalnya biola dan cello. Kemudian timbulah alat musik Orgel. Komponis besar muncul di Jerman, Prancis, Italia, dan Rusia. Dalam abad ke 19, rasa kebangsaan mulai bangun dan berkembang. Oleh karena itu perkembangan musik pecah menurut kebangsaannya masing-masing, meskipun pada permulaannya sama-sama bergaya Romantik. Mulai abad 20, Prancis menjadi pelopor dengan musik Impresionistis yang segera diganti dengan musik Ekspresionistis.
Perkembangan Musik Dunia
Musik sudah ada sejak Zaman purbakala dan dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk mengiringi upacara-upacara kepercayaan. Perubahan sejarah musik terbesar terjadi pada abad pertengahan,disebabkan terjadinya perubahan keadaan dunia yang makin meningkat. Musik tidak hanya dipergunakan untuk keperluan keagamaan, tetapi dipergunakan juga un tuk urusan duniawi
1.Zaman Abad Pertengahan
Zaman Abad Pertengahan sejarah kebudayaan adalah Zaman antara berakhirnya kerajaan Romawi (476 M) sampai dengan Zaman Reformasi agama Kristen oleh Marthen Luther (1572M). perkembangan Musik pada Zaman ini disebabkan oleh terjadinya perubahan keadaan dunia yang semakin meningkat, yang menyebabkan penemuan-penemuan baru dalam segala bidang, termasuk dalam kebudayaan. Perubahan dalam sejarah musik adalah bahwa musik tedak lagi dititikberatkan pada kepentingan keagamaan tetapi dipergunakan juga untuk urusan duniawi, sebagai sarana hiburan.
Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah adanya perbaikan tulisan musik dan dasar-dasar teori musik yang dikembangkan oleh Guido d’ Arezzo (1050 M)
Musik dengan menggunakan beberapa suara berkembang di Eropa Barat. Musik Greogrian disempurnakan oleh Paus Gregorius.
Pelopor Musik pada Zaman Pertengahan adalah :
1. Gullanme Dufay dari Prancis.
2. Adam de la halle dari Jerman.
2. Zaman Renaisance (1500 – 1600)
Zaman Renaisance adalah zaman setelah abad Pertengahan, Renaisance artinya Kelahiran Kembali tingkat Kebudayaan tinggi yang telah hilang pada Zaman Romawi. Musik dipelajari dengan cirri-ciri khusus, contoh nyanyian percintaan, nyanyian keperwiraan. Sebaliknya musik Gereja mengalami kemunduran. Pada zaman ini alat musik Piano dan Organ sudah dikenal, sehingga munculah musik Instrumental. Di kota Florence berkembang seni Opera. Opera adalah sandiwara dengan iringan musik disertai oloeh para penyanyinya.
Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Renaisance diantaranya :
1. Giovanni Gabrieli (1557 – 1612) dari Italia.
2. Galilei (1533 – 1591) dari Italia.
3. Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) dari Venesia.
4. Jean Baptiste Lully (1632 – 1687) dari Prancis.
3. Zaman Barok dan Rokoko
Kemajuan musik pada zaman pertengahan ditandai dengan munculnya aliran-aliran musik baru, diantaranya adalah aliran Barok dan Rokoko. Kedua aliran ini hamper sama sifatnya, yaitu adanya pemakaian Ornamentik (Hiasan Musik). Perbedaannya adalah bahwa musik Barok memakai Ornamentik yang deserahkan pada Improvisasi spontan oleh pemain, sedangkan pada musik Rokoko semua hiasan Ornamentik dicatat.
Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Barok dan Rokoko :
A. Johan Sebastian Bach
Lahir tanggal 21 Maret 1685 di Eisenach Jerman, meninggal tanggal 28 Juli 1750 di Lipzig Jerman. Hasil karyanya yang amat indah dan terkenal:
1. St. Mathew Passion.
2. Misa dalam b minor.
3. 13 buah konser piano dengan orkes
4. 6 buah Konserto Brandenburg
Gubahan-gubahannya mendasari musik modern. Sebastian Bach menciptakan musik Koral (musik untuk Khotbah Gereja) dan menciptakan lagu-lagu instrumental.
Pada akhir hidupnya Sebastian Bach menjadi buta dan meninggal di Leipzig
B. George Fredrick Haendel
Lahir di Halle Saxony 23 Februari 1685 di London, meninggal di London tanggal 14 April 1759. Semasa kecilnya dia sudah memperlihatkan bekat keahlian dalam bermain musik. Pada tahun 1703,ia pindah ke Hamburg untuk menjadi anggaota Orkes Opera. Tahun 1712 ia kembali mengunjungi Inggris. Hasil ciptaannya yang terkenal adalah ;
1. Messiah, yang merupakan Oratorio (nama sejenis musik) yang terkenal.
2. Water Musik (Musik Air).
3. Fire Work Music (Musik Petasan).
Water Musik dan Fire Work Music merupakan Orkestranya yang paling terkenal. Dia meninggal di London dan dimakamkan di Westminster Abbey.
4. Zaman Klasik 91750 – 1820)
Sejarah musik klasik dimukai pada tahun 1750, setelah berakhirnya musik Barok dan Rokoko.
Ciri-ciri Zaman musik Klasik:
a. Penggunaan dinamika dari Keras menjadi Lembut, Crassendo dan Decrasscendo.
b. Perubahan tempo dengan accelerando (semakin Cepat) dan Ritarteando (semakin lembut).
c. Pemakaian Ornamentik dibatasi
d. Penggunaan Accodr 3 nada.
Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Klasik antara lain :
1. Frans Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809),
Lahir di Rohrau Austria, ia meninggal tanggal 31 Mei 1809 di Wina Austria. Karya ciptaannya yaitu : Sonata Piano, 87 buah kuartet, 24 buah opera, 100 buah simfoni, yang paling terkenal adalah The Surprisse Sympony. Dalam sejarah musik, Joseph Haydn termashur sebagai Bapak Simfony yang mewujudkan bentuk orkes dan kuartet seperti yang kita kenal sekarang. Di Wina ia diakui sebagai Komponis Austria yang handal.
2. Wolfgang Amandeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
Lahir pada tanggal 27 januari 1756 di Salzburg Austria, meninggal tanggal 5 Desember 1791 di Wina Austria. Hasil karyanya adalah : Requiem Mars, 40 buah Simfony, Opera Don Geovani, Kuintet Biola Alto, Konserto Piano. Pada usia 3 tahun ia telah dapat menghasilkan melodi dan menerapkan accor pada hrpsikord. Pada usia 5 tahun ia telah mulai menciptakan lagu dan muncul didepan umum pada usia 6 tahun, kemudian bersama saudara perempuannya mengadakan Tour keliling Eropa. Pada tahun 1781 ia pindah ke kota Wina dan mengarang ciptaan-ciptaannya yang termaahur. Permainannya sangat menakjubkan, sehingga dijiluki Anak Ajaib. Biarpun memperoleh banyak sukses, tapi ia sangat miskin dan dalam keadaan yang sengsara, ia meninggal di Wina dalam usia 35 tahun dan dikuburkan di pekuburan fakir miskin. Ia menulis banyak komposisi dalam bentuk yang berbeda-beda tetapi berpegang kuat pada gaya klasik murni.
5. Zaman Romantik (1820 – 1900)
Musik romantic sangat mementingkan perasaan yang subyaktif. Musik bukan saja dipergunakan untuk mencapai keindahan nada-nada, akan tetapi digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan. Oleh karena itu, dinamika dan tempo banyak dipakai. Komponis-komponis pada Zaman romantic adalah :
a. Ludwig Von Bethoven dari Jerman.
b. Franz Peter Schubert dari Wina.
c. Francois Fredrick Chopin dari Polandia
d. Robert Alexander Schumann dari jerman.
e. Johanes Brahms dari Hamburg Jerman.
Riwayat Haidup Komponis Zaman Romantik :
A. Ludwig Von Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
Lahir Desember 1770 di Bonn Jerman, ia meninggal tanggal 26 Maret 1827 di Wina Austria. Ia menamakan dirinya sebagai Pujangga Nada. Sejak usia 4 tahun dia belajar musik dibawah asuhan ayanhnya. Pada usia 17 tahun ia pergi ke Wina menemui komponis Mozart, kemudian Mozart memberi bimbingan musik kepadanya, sehingga ia dapat menjadi pemain musik yang baik danm komonis yang berbakat. Pada usia 30 tahun pendengarannya mulai berkurang, dan usia 50 tahun pendengarannya tuli sama sekali. Pada waktu ciptaannya Ninth Symphonies lahir, ia tidak mampu lagi mendengarkan hasil karyanya itu. Pada tanggal 26 Maret 1827, dia meninggal di Wina. Ia hidup dengan sangat menderita, tetapi mampu menciptakan Sonata dunia yang paling indah. Hasil ciptaannya antara lain :
- 5 buah sonata cello dan piano.
- 9 buah symfoni
- 32 sonata piano.
B. Franz Peter Scubert (1797 – 1828)
Lahir di Wina 31 Januari 1797, dia meninggal tanggal 19 Desember 1828, ciptaannya antara lain : Ave Maria, The Erl King, Antinghed Symphony, Gretchen At The Spining Sheel, The Wild Rose. Schubert mempunyai suara yang merdu dan menjadi penyayi paduan suara Imperial Choir. Kemudian ia memperdalam pengetahuan musiknya dibidang komposisi. Pada waktu meninggal, Ia tidak dikenal orang banyak dan berpasan agar dikuburkan dekat makan Beethoven. Dia meninggalkan 100 buah hasil karyanya, kebanyakan lagu-lagu solo.
C. Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813 – 1883)
Lahir tanggal 22 Mei 1813 di Leipzig Jerman, meninggal 13 Februari 1883 di Venesia. Hasil ciptaannya antaralain : Tannhauser, Die Maistersinger Von Hurberg, Lohengrin, Der Fliegende Holander.
D. Johannes Brahms (1883 – 1897)
Lahir 7 Mei 1883 di Hamburg Jerman, ia meninggal 3 April 1897 di Wina Austria. Hasil ciptaannya : Hungarian Dance, Muskoor Ein Deusches Requiem, Kuartet gesek.. paa usia 14 tahun ia telah menjadi pianis yang baik. Dia adalah seorang komponis terakhir dari aliran Romantik, karyanya sangat indah.
6. Zaman Modern (1900 – sekarang)
Musik pada Zaman ini tidak mengakui adanay hokum-hukum dan peraturan-peraturan, karena kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang semakin pesat, misalnya penemuan dibidang teknik seperti Film, Radio, dan Televisi. Pada masa ini orang ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan bebas.
Komponis-komponis pada Zaman Modern :
1. Claude Achille Debussy dari Prancis
2. Bella Bartok dari Honggaria.
3. Maurice Ravel dari Prancis.
4. Igor Fedorovinsky dari Rusia
5. Edward Benyamin Britten dari Inggris.

  • Birth Place: Miami, FL
  • Date of Birth / Zodiac Sign: 12/28/1990, Capricorn
  • Profession: Reality cast member; singer
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David Archuleta Fast Facts:
  • Started singing at age 7, but stopped for several years when it was discovered that he had a paralyzed vocal chord.
  • Appeared on The Jenny Jones Show to sing "And I Am Telling You" from Dreamgirls.
  • Won the Junior category on Star Search in 2003, when he was 12.
  • Takes voice lessons from the same vocal coach as previous American Idol contestant Carmen Rasmusen.
  • Runner-up for Season 7 of American Idol; winner was David Cook.
  • David Archuleta Relationships:
  • Jeff Archuleta - Father
  • Lupe Archuleta - Mother
  • Daniel Archuleta - Brother
  • Claudia Archuleta - Sister
  • Amber Archuleta - Sister
  • Jazzy Archuleta - Sister

Avril Lavigne More at IMDbPro »

Date of Birth
27 September 1984, Belleville, Ontario, Canada

Birth Name
Avril Ramona Lavigne


5' 3" (1.60 m)

Mini Biography
Avril Lavigne was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada on September 27, 1984. At 16, she moved to Manhattan and began work on her debut album. She dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal. When Avril was almost 18, she released "Complicated" from her debut album titled: "Let Go," which went 6x platinum. As a petite skater girl from a small town, Avril has shown she is independent, full of confidence and determination, providing a good combination to make "Complicated" and Avril a musical breakthrough. "Complicated" went to number #1 on Billboards Top 100 while also earning her 5 Grammy nominations, MTV music awards, MTV European music awards and many more.
IMDb Mini Biography By: Stephanie Koston

Deryck Whibley (15 July 2006 - 16 November 2010) (divorced)

Trade Mark
Bitter lyrics.
Heavy black eyeliner and eyeshadow
Her pink streak

One of her songs, "Losing Grip", is about an ex-boyfriend.
Won the 'New Artist in a Video' award for her song 'Complicated' at the 2002 VMA.
Parents are Judy & John Lavigne, French-Canadians.
Her first video, "Complicated", cost over $1 million.
Her younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, appeared in her "SK8R BOI" video.
She has a younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, and an older brother, Matthew E. Levine.
Was orginally pursuing a career in country and folk music, but transitioned into "punk-rock" because of its more lucrative possbilities.
Received 5 Grammy nominations, including 1 for best new artist (2003).
Debut album 'Let Go' is 6x platinum.
Dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal.
Won 3 MTV Asia Awards for favorite female artist, favorite breakthrough artist & style (2003).
Has been nominated for 6 Juno Awards (2003).
Her CD, "Let Go", was the third best selling album of 2002.
Won four Juno Awards: Single of the Year ("Complicated"), Album of the Year ("Let Go"), New Artist of the Year and Pop Album of the Year.
Announced that her song 'Sk8er Boi' will be turned into a movie.
Her second album is titled "Under My Skin," which has gone 2x platinum.
Has a pizza named after her at a restaurant in her home town, Napanee, Ontario.
381,000 copies were sold of her second album "Under My Skin", making it her 2nd #1 album. According to Nielsen SoundScan, it ended the #1 spot eight- week reign of Usher's "Confessions" album. "Under My Skin" album is also #1 in the UK.
Favorite pizza topping is olives.
The song "Slipped Away" on her second album is about the death of her grandfather.
Wrote the song "Breakaway" which was sung by Kelly Clarkson.
Is the second child out of three in her family.
Is good friends with Pink,Vanessa Carlton, and Fefe Dobson.
Nominated for 3 Grammys: Song Of The Year ("I'm With You"), Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("I'm With You") & Best Female Rock Vocal Performance ("Losing Grip") (2004).
Avril taught herself the guitar at the age of 12.
Won Favorite Female Singer at the 18th Annual Kid's Choice Awards [April 2005].
2005: Won 3 Juno Awards; Fan Choice Award, Artist of the Year, and Pop Album of the Year ("Under My Skin").
Voted #1 in Teen People's Top Hottest 21 Under 21 List [April 30th - May 1st 2005].
She was kind enough to donate many items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign 2004.
Decided to perform in Dublin, Ireland the same day her grandfather died. After receiving the news, she knew he would have wanted her to continue on. Although all but breaking down on stage, she continued to perform in his memory.
Became engaged to Deryck Whibley on June 25, 2005.
Writes all of her own songs about her own personal experiences.
Named #36 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2005 list.
Married Sum 41 lead singer Deryck Whibley on July 15th 2006 in an outdoor, non-denominational ceremony at a private estate in Montecito, California. She wore a Vera Wang gown and held a bouquet of white roses. Their first dance was "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls.
The menu plate on her wedding reception read "Avril Whibley", implying that she has assumed husband Deryck Whibley's last name in her private life.
Favorite actor is Tobey Maguire and favorite actress is Sandra Bullock.
Natural hair color is brown.
Owns over a 100 pairs of Converse sneakers.
Ranked #15 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2007 list.
Ranked #24 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Spilt from Deryck Whibley in September 2009 and filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences" in October 2009.

Personal Quotes
"I liked being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself."
"I might look like a tough chick - and I am - but I'm also a hopeless romantic inside."
"Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be."
"I'd like to be a little more hard-rocking on my next album. But I hate the whole label thing."
People ask me if I regret wasting my last teen years on becoming a singer. You know something? I don't. Because singing is my life. When and if you want something so badly you'll see. I mean, I'm just so blessed to be doing what I love to do and to have been given this opportunity. I thank God because there are so many more talented people out there that will never even come close to getting a record deal.
"To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood."
"My mom wouldn't let me sing 'Strawberry Wine' because it had 'wine' in it."
"When I was 2 my mom said she knew I was going to be a singer. I've been performing ever since I was a young kid. So I've known I wanted to do this for awhile. I always knew in my heart that I'd be singing."
"I'm just coming out and I'm going to clearly be myself - I write what I feel, I never worry what others think."
I can write a song a day.
"My dream was always to hop up on stage in front of my fans every night and perform."
"Actually, I know for a fact there are some young female artists who don't even sing on their own records and who don't sing live. And that is pathetic." (about lipsynching)

Where Are They Now
(February 2004) Released "Don't Tell Me" from her second album.
(July 2004) Released "My Happy Ending" from her second album.
(October 2004) Released "Nobody's Home" from her second album.
(March 2005) Released the single "He Wasn't" from her 2nd album.
(April 2005) On her "Bonez" tour in Australia and Asia.
(April 2005) Released "Fall to Pieces" from her album "Under My Skin".
(October 2005) Planning her upcoming marriage to Deryck Whibley.
(November 2005) Santa Monica, California.
(March 2007) Released "Girlfriend", her 1st single from her 3rd album, "The Best Damn Thing".
(2009) Appeared in a commercial for "Proactiv" acne skin care.
(February 2009) Released music video "Alice" for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010).
(2010) Appeared in an infomercial, hosted by Melissa Claire Egan, for "Proactiv Solution" acne medication.

Avenged Sevenfold Biography

Home > Music > A > Avenged Sevenfold > Biography

Born: 1999

The members of metalcore outfit Avenged Sevenfold (or A7X) were still attending high school in Huntington Beach, CA, when they formed their band in 1999. Nevertheless, it didn't take long for M. Shadows (vocals), Zacky Vengeance (guitar), Synyster Gates (guitar), the Reverend (drums), and Johnny Christ (bass) to make an impression with their aggressive hybrid of metal and punk-pop. The band made its official debut in July 2001, releasing Sounding the Seventh Trumpet on the Good Life label before moving to the Hopeless roster for 2003's Waking the Fallen. Warner Bros. took interest in the band's aggressive sound and issued its breakthrough release, City of Evil, in June 2005. The album reached number 30 on Billboard's Top 200, propelled in part by the Top Ten success of the single "Bat Country." The accompany music video was heavily rotated on MTV and Fuse, where live appearances also helped boost Avenged's growing profile, and the band ultimately won the Best New Artist Award (though they were hardly newcomers) at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards.

As demand for their music increased, Avenged Sevenfold canceled their tour dates for fall 2006 and set to work on a fourth studio album. Boasting a grittier sound than previous releases, the self-titled/self-produced disc appeared in October 2007, debuting at number four on the Billboard Top 200 and spinning off the radio single "Almost Easy." The album also fared well in England, where three songs cracked the Top Five of the U.K. rock charts, and Avenged Sevenfold helped support the release by touring North America on the Taste of Chaos tour. Released in September 2008, the CD/DVD package Live in the LBC and Diamonds in the Rough captured the band during a tour stop in Long Beach. In 2009 the band announced plans to begin work on its third studio release. That same year, drummer Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan passed away at the age of 28. In 2010 the band released Nightmare with replacement drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater). Christina Fuoco, Rovi

Linkin Park Biography

Home > Music > L > Linkin Park > Biography

Born: 1996

Although rooted in alternative metal, Linkin Park became one of the most successful acts of the early 2000s by welcoming elements of hip-hop, modern rock, and atmospheric electronica into their music. The band's rise was indebted to the aggressive rap-rock movement made popular by the likes of Korn and Limp Bizkit, a movement that paired grunge's alienation with a bold, buzzing soundtrack. Linkin Park added a unique spin to that formula, however, focusing as much on the vocal interplay between singer Chester Bennington and rapper Mike Shinoda as the band's muscled instrumentation, which layered DJ effects atop heavy, processed guitars. While the group's sales never eclipsed those of its tremendously successful debut, Hybrid Theory, few alt-metal bands rivaled Linkin Park during the band's heyday.

Drummer Rob Bourdon, guitarist Brad Delson, and MC/vocalist Mike Shinoda attended high school in Southern California, where they formed the rap-rock band Xero in 1996. Bassist Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, singer Mark Wakefield, and DJ/art student Joseph Hahn joined soon after, and the band courted various labels while playing hometown shows in Los Angeles. Few companies expressed interest in Xero's self-titled demo tape, however, prompting Wakefield to leave the lineup (he would later resurface as the manager for Taproot). Hybrid Theory became the band's temporary moniker in 1998 as replacement singer Chester Bennington climbed aboard, and the revised band soon settled on a final name: Linkin Park, a misspelled reference to Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. With Bennington and Shinoda sharing vocal duties, the musicians now wielded enough power to distinguish themselves from the wave of nu-metal outfits that had appeared during the decade's latter half. Warner Bros. vice president Jeff Blue took note and signed Linkin Park in 1999, sending the band into the studio with Don Gilmore shortly thereafter.

Linkin Park titled their debut album Hybrid Theory, a tribute to the band's past, and released the record during the fall of 2000. "Crawling" and "In the End" were massive radio hits; the latter song even topped the U.S. Modern Rock chart while peaking at number two on the Billboard Hot 100, an example of the band's crossover appeal. Linkin Park joined the Family Values Tour and also played shows with Cypress Hill, leading the group to log over 320 shows in 2001 alone. Come January 2002, Hybrid Theory had received three Grammy nominations and sold over seven million copies. (Sales later topped ten million, earning the album "diamond status" and making Hybrid Theory one of the most successful debuts ever.) Despite their meteoric rise, however, Linkin Park spent the remainder of the year holed up in the recording studio, again working with producer Don Gilmore on a follow-up album. Meanwhile, the timely summer release of Reanimation helped appease the band's eager audience, offering remixed versions of Hybrid Theory's tracks.

A proper sophomore effort, Meteora, arrived in March 2003, featuring a heavier sound and stronger elements of rap-rock. Although the record spawned several modern rock hits, songs such as "Numb," "Somewhere I Belong," and "Breaking the Habit" furthered the band's crossover appeal by simultaneously charting on the Hot 100. Linkin Park once again supported the album with ample touring, including performances with the second annual Projekt Revolution Tour (the band's own traveling festival, which originally launched in 2002) and additional shows with the likes of Metallica and Limp Bizkit. Live in Texas was released to document the band's strength as a touring act, and the bandmates tackled various personal projects before beginning work on a second remix project.

Released in 2004, Collision Course found the band collaborating with king-of-the-mountain rapper Jay-Z, resulting in a number of mashups that sampled from both artists' catalogs. Collision Course topped the charts upon its release, the first EP to do so since Alice in Chains' Jar of Flies, and Jay-Z furthered his association with the band by asking co-founder Mike Shinoda to explore the possibility of a solo hip-hop project. He did, dubbing the project Fort Minor and releasing The Rising Tied in 2005 with Jay-Z as executive producer. Linkin Park then reconvened in 2006 to begin work on a third studio album, which saw Shinoda sharing production credits with Rick Rubin. The resulting Minutes to Midnight arrived in 2007, debuting at number one in several countries and spawning the Top Ten single "What I've Done." In 2010 the band teamed up with Rubin again to produce its fourth studio album, A Thousand Suns. Andrew Leahey, Rovi

Evanescence Biography
Review The Artist (101)

Source: Evanescence-photo
Evanescence is:
Amy Lee
John Lecompt
Rocky Gray
Terry Balsamo

(and formerly)
Ben Moody, William Boyd and David Hodges.

Folks new to Evanescence fandom may be surprised to learn that Ben Moody and Amy Lee, the founding members of Evanescence, met at church camp. I interviewed Ben in 1998 and here's how he characterized the meeting:

Several years ago Amy and myself were attending a youth camp. I was playing with the praise and worship group and Amy was a camper. During some kind of break/recreation time I was sitting in the gym watching a basketball game. On the other side of the court was a stage for plays and a piano. I was just sitting there bored to tears when all of the sudden I was given a quick jolt as my ears were filled with the sound of the piano intro to Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love."

I looked over at the piano and there was this girl effortlessly displaying emmence amounts of talent. After my initial envious rage subsided I hopped to my feet and ran right through the basketball game straight to the piano and introduced myself.

She then impressed me further with songs that she had written. I thought I was in heaven. But then she sang. I nearly died. coming from this tiny little youth camp reject was one of the most powerful, beautiful voicies I'd ever heard. So I somehow convinced her to never play with anyone else again and she's been mine ever since.

Ben and Amy soon began recording songs like "Give Unto Me" and "Understanding" under the name Evanescence. With such influences as Type O Negative, Living Sacrifice (who, rumor has it, once asked Ben to join as guitarist, but he turned them down to continue focusing on Evanescence), Portishead and Sarah McLachlan they began to craft a unique sound that took in elements of metal, electronic music and (probably without intending it) goth rock.

Brad Caviness started to play "Understanding" and "Give Unto Me" on the radio show he co-hosted on KABF in Little Rock, giving Evanescence their first exposure to the world at large.

Their debut EP was released in December of 1998 at their first show (to my knowledge) at Vino's in Little Rock. The run of 100 CDRs sold out quickly that night.

At some point David Hodges joined the band on keys , but I can't give you any details on that because I don't know how that transpired. I can say that those close to the band were in shock, as Ben Moody is a notorious perfectionist who has a hard time finding anyone who he feels comfortable playing music with.

The Whisper EP was released around this time by the band with help from BigWig Enterprises on CDR (limited to 50 copies).

In time the Evanescence live show was rounded out with such members as Will Boyd (the Visitors) John Lecompt (formerly of Mindrage, currently of Kill System) and Rocky Gray (of Soul Embraced, Kill System and Living Sacrifice).

Recently David Hodges has parted ways with the band, hoping to return to his musical roots and start a new band in the Christian market. Rumor has it he and Matt Outlaw are currently writing songs for this project. John Lecompt and Rocky Gray are now considered full-fledged members of the band.

This band, once only know to us lucky few, has taken the world by storm. Their major-label debut Fallen on Wind-Up Records, home to bands such as 12 Stones and Drowning Pool has gone 5x Platinum in the US alone. The overpowering sounds of Evanescence have definently set them apart from any other band in 2003, and have won them many awards to include two grammys! However with all their success, also came lots of disappointments. With the loss of Ben Moody the question on everyone's mind is with 2/3'rds of the original band now gone will Evanescence be able to pump out an even better sophmore album? I guess only time will tell!



Nama : Irpan Ramdani
Tanggal lahir : 13 - 02 - 1995
Negara : Indonesia
Alamat : BandungCity   Kec.B.E 
Agama : Islam

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